Naughty Cocoa

Hi friends! Hope you’re having a wonderful morning. I wanted to share this post again, since it’s a delicious and boozy recipe – perfect for upcoming holiday soirees. A little something from the naughty list…. with NICE ingredients. 😉 Ok, and an excuse to use our Elf on the Shelf as a prop. (Anyone else…

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Raw Apple Tart with Almond Meal Crust

Hi friends! How’s the day going? ’Tis the season for cooking, because I’m going crazy over here. Hope you don’t mind. In this case, though, it’s uncooking. These little beauties are actually totally raw, vegan, free of refined sugar, and totally delicious.

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BBQ Roasted Chickpeas

This savory, healthy snack is perfect for hangry toddlers, packed in a purse for emergency snack mode, or awesome as a salad topping. Hi friends! How’s your Monday going? 4 weeks of workouts went out to my newsletter friends this morning, and I’m happy to hear you’re enjoying the plan! Madre and I took P…

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Egg-Less Nog Protein Shake

Hi friends! Hope you’re having a wonderful morning. Today I have a delicious eggless eggnog protein shake recipe for you to try!Yesterday was a great day. Liv, P and I met up with Jess and her daughter at the aquarium, (Liv is obsessed with her black boots) came back home and made dinner, (this stew…

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Chef Kyle’s Pumpkin Spice Chia Pudding

Hi friends! Hope you’re having a great afternoon. It’s been a wonderful week so far: a happy and euphoric blur, snuggling our newest family member as days blend into night. We’re hoping to head home from the hospital later today. Fingers crossed. 🙂 This week, I have some special posts going up while we’re getting settled. This pumpkin chia…

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Apple Spice Amazeballs

This is for all of the friends out there who are pumpkin-ed out.  It’s also one of those things where I just put a bunch of ingredients in the food chopper, said a prayer, and hoped it would work out. Thankfully, it did, and they are DELICIOUS.

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Blended Mexican Mocha (dairy-free)

I’ve been looking forward to today’s post because I’m always excited to spread the word about Fair Trade Month and share some awesome goodies with a lucky winner (giveaway has ended). But first, I have a recipe for a Blended Mexican Mocha! Blended Mexican Mocha I whipped this up using 3 popular Fair Trade ingredients: chocolate,…

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Quick and easy snack bites

Hi friends! How’s the day going? Hope you’re enjoying the morning. Don’t forget to get your lotus tank; only a few days left to order! The orders are rolling in and I can’t wait to see pics of everyone rocking this gorgeous tank for an awesome cause.  After the midwife appointment yesterday, Liv and I…

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Avocado Chocolate Mousse Pie

This avocado chocolate mousse pie is brought to you by the bountiful local avocado supply: reason 28374 why it’s nice to live in California. I remember when we brought Liv to Disneyland when she was an itty thing, and I ordered an omelet with avocado. The omelet had HALF an avocado on top. Coming from…

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Strawberry shortcake energy bites

{vegan and gluten-free!} Helloooooo. How’s the morning going?? Don’t forget that there’s still time to enter this awesome White Plum giveaway, and your special discount code expires in 2 days! Hope you’re enjoying the day so far. After being away for a while, it’s always nice to be home with my favorite people and back…

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Vegan Tropical Rice Pudding

 This Vegan Tropical Rice Pudding recipe is sponsored by Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Almondmilk, my all-time fave and a staple in our house. Hi friends! Sorry to disappear on you yesterday afternoon. My allergies have been off the charts, and I woke up with a neon red, watery eye. It was a fun afternoon with…

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Homemade Raw Pitaya Cheesecake

Time for an afternoon sweet treat…. 🙂 I’m on a pitaya kick and I can’ It’s been a way to switch it up from acai (though don’t get me wrong, I still love my acai). Pitaya is lower in sugar and higher in antioxidants. Oh, and it’s this gorgeous bright pink color, so that’s always…

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