Southwestern stuffed sweet potato

Heyyyyyy 😀 How are ya? Hope your morning is treating you well! Thank you so so soooooo mucho for your sweet get well wishes for Bella. She had some food for the first time in a little over a day last night- I had to put the wet food from the vet on my finger…

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Raw Chocolate Chip Balls

Hey ya’ll 😀 Here is a guest post from the fabulous Angela on a topic that is very dear to my heart: raw desserts!! Enjoy! <3 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hi everyone! Angela here from Oh She Glows, Green Monster Movement, and Glo Bakery. I was super excited to do a guest post for Gina this week as…

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Almond butter chocolate chip cookies

Helloooooo 😀 It’s meeee again! haha. Hope your day is going well and if you haven’t checked it out yet, be sure to enter the Vegalicious giveaway! You don’t want to miss out on that goodness. Today was one of those weird days where I know I did a lot, but feel like I didn’t…

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Raw Peach Cobbler

Hey everyone! Hope you’re having a great morning 😀 I’m so glad you’re enjoying the why I became a personal trainer post– not gonna lie, I felt a little weird putting everything out there, but as always, was glad I did 😉 Since I had a late bfast yesterday (and ran 5.5 miles in the…

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Pesto zucchini pasta with roasted veggies

Hey everyone! Happy Indian Food Wednesday! Who’s celebrating?! The pilot and I ended up staying awake until the wee hours of the morning, trying to get Viesa acclimated to her new muzzle. It proved unsuccessful.. she HATED it. We got one of the nice mesh ones, and even cut it in half so she could…

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Local Honey and Walnut Baklava

Local honey and walnut Baklava Phyllo Dough: -Meat of 2 young Thai coconuts -3/4 C. soaked cashews -2 T. Flax meal -Pinch salt -1/4 C. honey -1/2 C. water -1 T. vanilla Blend all ingredients until smooth. Spread onto Teflex sheets and dehydrate until dry but still pliable. Filling: -2 C. walnuts -2 t. cinnamon…

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Apricot Mint and Cauliflower Rice Dolmas

Dolmas: For the filling: -1 C. dried apricots, plumped in water and finely chopped -1/2 head of cauliflower, processed in the food processor so that it resembles rice -juice of 1 lemon -heaping T. of fresh mint -2 T. chopped Italian parsely -1 clove garlic, finely minced -1/2 t. salt -pepper to taste -pinch of…

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Mediterranean Appetizer Trio

Yellow Almond-Flax Crackers -2 C. soaked almonds – ¾ C. water -1/2 t. sea salt -1 T. nutritional yeast -1/2 t. turmeric -1 t. chopped fresh oregano -1 T. ground flax seeds -2 T. lemon juice -1 T. cumin seed -salt and pepper to taste Blend all ingredients on high in the Vita-Mix until smooth.…

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Raw sloppy joes

Hi everyone! Hope your day is going well! I wanted to blog earlier but haven’t had the time—things have been extra ccrrraazzyy. But I’m here now 😀 Hi! I started the day with a new bfast… (I always take a drink before taking a picture of beverages in case I don’t like it and send…

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