
If you’re interested in advertising or sponsoring, please get in touch with me at fitnessista @ gmail.com


  1. Todd Wittlief on August 25, 2014 at 10:43 am

    Hey Gina,

    I came across your blog while researching fitness and fashion blogs. I am looking for bloggers to write a sponsored post for a women’s work out apparel brand, and I that I think could be a good fit for your site.

    If you are interested in participating, I can offer you $100. Please let me know if you would like more information and I will send you the particulars.

    I look forward to working with you and thank you for your time and consideration.

    Best Regards,

  2. Tilesa Swehla on September 3, 2014 at 9:56 pm

    I was looking through your site and I really think you would love our people inspired dance fitness platform, Mixxedfit®! I would love to talk to you about it more at your convenience !

  3. Shawn Childers on September 12, 2014 at 10:51 am

    Hello Gina. My name is Shawn Childers and I am the creator of a fitness apparel line Alonus Wear and I would like to know if you would be interested in reviewing my pants.

    Say goodbye to uncomfortable panties and unsightly panty lines and a nice tush!
    Our eco-friendly active wear pant is designed specifically to provide a slimming appearance, while enhancing the buttocks for a more full and round derriere.
    Let me know if you are interested. Thank you.

  4. Adaline Wright on September 16, 2014 at 4:00 am

    Dear Gina,

    I hope you are doing well.

    Kindly contact me on my email regarding sponsorship.

    Thanks 🙂

  5. RJ on October 21, 2014 at 3:19 pm

    Great work on the blog and social media. Please shoot us an email when you get a chance.


  6. Quincy on November 11, 2014 at 4:46 pm

    Love your blog!

    Would love to send you some Strongbody apparel to try out!

    Hope to hear from you


  7. Maggie Montiel on November 13, 2014 at 1:36 pm

    Hi Gina,

    I adore your blog and would love to send you some of my activewear line http://www.montiel.com! Would love to work with you. Please send me an email when you get a chance [email protected]


  8. Valentina on November 24, 2014 at 10:50 am

    Hi Gina!

    My name is Valentina, and I work for Fashletics. We make inspirational jewelry for athletes, and we would love you send you something for you to review, as we think your blog fits perfectly with what we stand for.
    If you’re interested please reach me at [email protected]

    Hoping to hear from you,

  9. John Kurien on November 24, 2014 at 2:47 pm


    I run an e-commerce storefront called Fitness Sanctum, which caters to fitness enthusiasts of all levels.

    I was looking into partnership opportunities to see if there was any way we might be able to work together. I was particularly wondering if there was any way you might be open to doing a store review and/or a giveaway at some point down the road.

    Please let me know. I look forward to discussing particulars.


    John Kurien
    Fitness Sanctum
    [email protected]

  10. Megan Johansen on December 18, 2014 at 9:55 am

    Dear Gina,
    After looking over your blog I thought it would be a good idea to reach out to you and see if you would be interested in doing our YP10 weight loss and detoxification program free of charge and blogging about your experience.
    Our system, YP10 Weight Loss and Detoxification System (YP10 stands for “Your Perfect 10”) is the best solution for any person struggling with their weight in any degree. Whether it’s those last few pounds or severe obesity; YP10 is incredible. It offers fast visual results as well as assisting in the emotional, nutritional and educational side of maintaining long-term success.
    After completing the YP10 program many bloggers like yourself get asked by their readers how they can do the program as well. You will be given a referral code to share with your readers so that they can purchase the program at a discounted rate and you can earn a referral bonus.
    So, when you are interested in an amazing weight loss program, having material to blog about, and make money at the same time please let me know.
    Check out our website and Facebook page:

    Megan Johansen

  11. Matt Masiello on January 18, 2015 at 6:25 pm

    Hi Gina,

    Great blog! Let me know if your interested in using our products…

    We can work something out!

    Shoot me an email..

    [email protected]

  12. Allan Rozenberg, PhD on January 19, 2015 at 11:17 am

    Hi Gina,
    I ran across your blog and thought you might be interested. I’m the CTO of Wearable Wellness, and we’re announcing new wellness apparel, called Vivir, that can amplify the results of exercise and turn everyday activities like walking the dog into calorie burning workouts. Simply by wearing it. I wanted to give you a heads up in advance of our announcement.

    Using our new technology built into the apparel, Vivir immerses your body in far infrared heat that penetrates to mobilize stored fats and toxins and burn additional calories. In a sense, it’s a wearable infrared sauna. Vivir looks and feels like workout clothing, is washable and powered by a rechargeable battery. I am a medical device PhD with 20+ patents.

    Vivir lets everyday chores like mowing the lawn do double duty as workouts, lets you do hot yoga at home, without the heated room, and makes the most of your exercise time. It’s even great for relieving pain.
    More info? I’ve attached a .pdf of the release, and you’ll find a link to our site and on-line press kit below.

    Website: http://www.vivirgear.com

    On-line press kit: http://www.vivirgear.com/presskit

    Thanks, I’m happy to speak with you personally anytime

  13. Jillian Neal on February 23, 2015 at 1:08 pm

    Hey Gina,

    I’d love to work on a partnership with you and CosmoBody workouts. Think Netflix for workouts from the creators of Cosmopolitan magazine. I look forward to hearing from you!


  14. Brit on March 30, 2015 at 3:40 pm

    Dear Gina,

    I am managing partner at Fit You Events, a military spouse owned event planning company. We have partnered with InDependent, a nonprofit military spouse owned company, and are excited about our first event together, the Run To Thrive Virtual 5K.

    This Virtual 5K will take place May 6-11 worldwide, and it will benefit InDependent’s mission: “…to create a thriving community of military spouses that support preventative wellness by inspiring each other to make health and fitness a priority.”

    Fit You Events and InDependent need YOUR help with making this event a success!

    Whether you wish to participate as a runner (get a team together!), or even just share the event with your network, we would be most grateful.
    We invite you to visit our websites http://www.fityouevents.com and http://www.in-dependent.org.

    We hope you’ll join us for this exciting event! I look forward to hearing from you.

    Managing Partner
    Fit You Events

  15. Tyler on April 14, 2015 at 3:37 pm

    Hey Gina,

    I wanted to reach out to you about offering you a free Iron Chest Master Workout System for a review on your blog. We feel that the Iron Chest Master could be a really beneficial work out equipment for your viewers, and we hope we can help them save time while maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Please let me know what you think and I’d be happy to speak with you!


    Iron Chest Master Representative

  16. Lindsey on April 20, 2015 at 3:31 pm

    That lung track though! I love it, I think shoulders is pretty stellar too!

  17. Katie Martin on April 21, 2015 at 7:18 am


    I work with Steve’s PaleoGoods, a paleo snack food company that provides our customers with clean, paleo-on-the-go snacks (granola, jerky, dried fruit, and dressings) while also contributing to our 5013c philanthropy, Steve’s Club National Program, that provides at-risk inner-city youth with fitness, nutrition, and personal development. We are completely transparent about what is in our food and where we source it from and are very dedicated to making sure our sources align with our values. At the moment we’re doing a big bloggers/authors marketing campaign and we would absolutely LOVE it if you would review some of our products and post it on your blog. The work that you do is absolutely fantastic and we would love to send you a gift box of goodies for you to review on your blog. If this is something you would be interested in, let me know a good mailing address for you!


  18. La Jolla Wellness Studio on June 1, 2015 at 8:57 am

    Hi Gina,

    The La Jolla Wellness Studio is teaming up with Evita Ramparte for a Get Sexy Summer Slim Down at our studio on June 20th from 4:00-7:00 pm and we would love to have you there! Contact me for more information, hope to hear from you soon.

    The La Jolla Wellness Studio

  19. Ana A. on June 3, 2015 at 7:16 am

    Hey Gina,
    what a wonderful blog, can you send us an email we would love to work with you and send you some products to try out … we hope you love our products.


  20. Rich Ingber on June 3, 2015 at 9:41 am

    Hello Gina!

    My name is Gina Cianciolo and am researching for Rich Ingber, of Rich Vitality Super foods. We have an organic powdered blend of premium super foods and vegan protein. All of our products are 100% natural and non-GMO. We could discuss sending samples of the products to try out and talk about doing a blog for us on your website. Feel free to check out the website at http://www.richvitality.com Please let us know if you are interested. Thank you!

  21. Brooke on June 3, 2015 at 9:49 am

    Hi Gina,
    I love your blog and have been following you for a year of so. Very recently, I started writing for a start-up, Brentwood Home (brentwoodhome.com), based in Los Angeles. If you visit our site, I think you will find that the vibe of our site is a good fit for the fresh, clean style you have on your blog. We focus on natural home products, including mattresses, pillows, bedding and other accessories such as candles. We are looking for a blog to review some of our products, primarily our mattresses and pillows. Please contact me with further information regarding this process.

  22. Ashley Bible on June 28, 2015 at 8:51 am

    I’m a high school English teacher and have been a reader of yours for years. You are such an inspiration! It is my platform as a teacher to incorporate as much movement as possible in order to combat all of the sit time students endure each day. I just finished a modified version of my “Literary Yoga” lesson that has been a huge hit in my classroom as well as others. This modified version is for younger readers, and I immediately thought of you and Liv while I was putting it together. I would love to email you the PDF to try out during reading time at your home. Here is a link to the activity if you want to take a look: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Reading-Yoga-Yoga-and-Kinesthetic-Learning-with-ANY-Story-K-4-1927661

    Email me at [email protected] if you and Liv are interested!

  23. Michelle Stewart on June 30, 2015 at 6:44 am

    Hi Gina,
    My company is in Carlsbad right in your backyard. We would love to feature you in our blog for our fitness product. http://hipappeal.com is looking for local health & fitness influencers to highlight for a new blog series we are doing. Please contact me to discuss.

  24. Clara Ma on August 12, 2015 at 11:15 am

    Hello Gina,

    I came across your blog and I noticed that you’re an IDEA-inspired blogger! I’m working with BollyX, a high-intensity 50-minute cardio workout influenced by the music and dance styles of Bollywood. We were recently at IDEA World and we had a fantastic time there! It was incredible to meet so many avid fitness enthusiasts like yourself. If you would like to see a recap video of our appearance at IDEA World, you can view it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLva9O7qiFw

    We were wondering if you would like to try a class on us and write a review of your experience on your blog. If you’re interested, please e-mail me back so we can figure out if we have a location that works for you! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.


    • Fitnessista on August 12, 2015 at 2:34 pm

      do you have any classes in san diego?

      • clara on August 13, 2015 at 12:00 pm

        We do! If you email me directly, I can put you in touch with the instructor. Looking forward to hearing from you!

  25. Stefania Casciari on September 11, 2015 at 7:22 am

    Hello Gina,

    How are you doing?
    I am Stefania from Pulse Advertising. I came across your profile and I really love your blog, it is really inspiring. I am writing to introduce you to Pulse Advertising. We run advertising campaigns for brands on Instagram, Blogs and YouTube. Some of our clients include Marriott Hotels, Uber, Carmex or UGG Australia… The list goes on! Therefore, we are always looking for new interesting faces in order to generate buzz for our partner companies.

    Please reach me at [email protected], I would like to explain you in depth what we do!

    All the best

    Stefania Casciari
    Campaign Manager Italy

    Pulse Advertising

  26. Lauren Walsh Forgione on September 17, 2015 at 9:14 am

    Hi Gina!

    I’d love to get in touch with you on behalf of a few of my clients. Is it possible to email correspondence?

    [email protected]

  27. Dr Rosemary on September 20, 2015 at 6:24 am

    Hi – Love your site! I would love to talk about your gift guide and other opportunities to share out Organic Loose Herbal Teas with your members? I have an awesome “Breastmilk Booster ” Tea and several other blends that are designed for women (and men) that would compliment your efforts? Let’s chat soon?

  28. Brooke on October 6, 2015 at 9:14 am

    Hi Gina,
    Brentwood Home is an LA-based startup that manufactures natural products for the home, including mattresses, pillows and bedding. Soon, we will be launching a babies and kids channel. Please email directly to discuss sponsorship opportunities.


  29. Felicitas on October 8, 2015 at 1:00 pm

    Hi Gina,

    I’ve been a fan of your blog since I discovered your awesome Zumba videos! They are great!:)
    I work with Pastry Sneakers and we offer comfortable and fun dance sneakers. They are great for Zumba as well. Would love to send you a free pair for you to try.

    If you’re interested, you can email me.

    Would love to hear from you!


  30. Jessica on November 4, 2015 at 12:25 pm

    Hi Gina,

    My name is Jessica and I’m the marketing manager at Green Blender, a smoothie delivery company based in NYC. We send all the pre-portioned ingredients and superfoods to make delicious, healthy smoothies at home. Locally sourced, organic produce is a priority for us, and our boxes are 100 percent vegan.

    We’re all about helping our members fall in love with their health and completely enjoy eating again, and since you’re doing the same thing with your website, we wondered if you’d be interested in a collaboration?

    Let me know if this is something you would be interested in exploring!

    Thank you!

  31. Tim Baten on December 1, 2015 at 3:30 pm

    Hi Gina,

    My name is Tim from Family Foods International. We are looking to promote our very unique products and get feedback for our products the Vegan Condensed Coconut Milk and the vegan Evaporated Coconut Milk. We’ve been displaying these two products on the last few major food shows and we have received raving feedback from the visitors. We’re recently named one of the hot new trends of 2015!

    They are truly unique because they are first one of their kind in the market. They offer a new option for lactose intolerant consumers to enjoy the dishes they have to skip because of the milk in them. They are perfect fit for Vegans, people suffering from lactose intolerance/allergies. In addition of being dairy and lactose free, these products also offer trans fat free, gluten free, and vegan friendly. They will give the healthiest benefits without sacrificing the flavor of regular condensed milk or regular coconut milk.

    I came across your blog when I was doing research on the healthy food recipes, and your blog offers great knowledge and recipes. We would love for you to try these Condensed Milk and Evaporated Milk in your recipes for your blog. Please let me know where we can send the samples.

    Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have further questions.

    Thank you.

  32. Snapfluence on December 3, 2015 at 3:39 pm

    We are Snapfluence, a network of social influencers who are matched with top brands to work on creative, social media campaigns. We’re big fans of your Instagram and Twitter accounts, and would like to discuss your interest in partnering with us on a paid photo campaign for a major home spa brand.

    We’re looking for a limited number of influencers nationwide for this opportunity, and feel that you align with the content style we are looking for. Please let me know if you’re interested in hearing more.

    Bonus: great products from the brand!
    Please let us know if you’re interested.

  33. J. on December 15, 2015 at 1:49 pm

    Hi Gina,

    I’d love to chat with you regarding a sponsored post opportunity.

    Please email me for details!

    Thank you.

  34. Borrow for US Military on December 17, 2015 at 3:00 pm

    Hi Gina,

    I’m the co-founder of Borrow for US Military. We’re a neighborhood marketplace for sharing goods and services within the military community. You can read about us here: http://whitewallsonline.com/borrowformilitary/#more-4341

    We’re milspouse operated, and we’re committed to bettering the quality of life for members of the military community through sharing and connecting.

    I’d love to talk to you about doing a sponsored post. Please contact me at [email protected]

    Thank you!

  35. Mj Miller on March 3, 2016 at 1:02 pm

    Hi Gina,

    I am the brand manager for Perfect Fitness, a market leading designer, manufacturer and distributor of body weight performance based fitness equipment. I love your blog and would like talk about working with you to help product a workout video for our website. Our company was founded by a former US Navy SEALs platoon commander who practiced functional training methods to increase the effectiveness of training while reducing the chance of injury. We believe our products would be a great fit for your workout regimens and would be interested in talking to you more.

    Please contact me to discuss more.


  36. Terry on March 5, 2016 at 2:26 pm

    Hello Gina,

    We are a lovely fine tea shop on etsy – DuvalTea. We have been running out tea shop on etsy for the past 4 years, we sell a wide range of fine teas, from mild white tea to earthy Pu’erh tea. We found you by search the keywords “best health/ fitness blog” on Google. We believe fine tea can be easily “infused” with health and fitness category.

    We were wondering if you would like to receive some samples from us, we can pack up to 10 samples for you and we will be covering the shipping and handling cost, we would appreciate you to write a review and post on your web to share all these great goodies with tea lovers. We are sure that your readers would like to see some fine tea reviews!

    Please check out our direct link, it will redirect you to our etsy shop!

    Please let us know your thoughts and plans.
    Looking forward to hearing from you!
    Greatly appreciated you to taking time read our post.


  37. Giovanna Silvestre on March 10, 2016 at 3:31 pm

    Hi Gina,

    Nice to “e” meet you! Here at Confused Girl in the City, we are fans of Fitnessista, and we believe our brand would be a perfect fit for your blog and network. Confused Girl designs high quality yoga wear, made in L.A. The unique designs are inspired by Healing Crystals and each pair represents a different stone. The leggings are great for working out and going out. Many of our customers are stylish yogis

    The founder, Giovanna Silvestre, set out on a spiritual journey to find her true nature, 3 years ago. On this journey she found a healer that gave her two beautiful crystals. These crystals inspired her to start her own yoga line, based on the fundamental healing attributes of the stones. The healing crystals balance yin/yang energy and cultivate courage, creativity and healing. Our motto is “Find Your True Nature”. With no money, and an idea, she started her journey as a startup.

    Recently we have been featured on VH1 and Yoga Digest, and we are currently in select stores in LA.

    We would be more than happy to discuss opportunities to be featured on Fitnessista.

    You can also check out our website and Instagram page:

  38. Alys on April 5, 2016 at 10:37 am

    Hi Gina,
    My name is Alys, I have followed your blog for long time. Your blog is beautiful with helpful information for human health development. One of our product is “Survical tabs” which is also considered as nutritious source of “food replacement”. Moreover, he Survival Tabs eliminate the need to forage for food in situations where you are lost, stranded, or trapped. It would be crucial for every to have a “back-up” preparation for unpredictable situation and we believe that your reader would also love our high quality product.
    we would really appreciate your comments about our products.
    This is the website link that you can explore about the product benefit:

    Thank for your time
    Have a nice day,
    Best regards,

  39. Annette on May 3, 2016 at 7:54 am

    Hi Gina,

    I’ve been reading your blog for so many years now – before you were even pregnant with Liv! It’s one that I’ve always kept up with and really enjoyed. I know you’re a healthy living blog, but that you and your family also love Disneyland and enjoy the treats when you visit. I have created a monthly subscription box that delivers these delectable Disney treats straight from the park to your home! If you’d be interested in receiving a box, please let me know.

    Main Street Creations

  40. Michelle on May 7, 2016 at 12:18 pm

    I have no sponsorship for you 🙂 BUT my favorite brunch order is pancakes. 🙂

  41. Arlen Miller on May 16, 2016 at 9:23 am

    Hi Gina–

    I am in the marketing department at the Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES). Would like to contact you to discuss possibility of using your blog posts, etc. and have you contribute to our Operation Be Fit print and digital channels. What is the best way to contact you in person to discuss?

    Best regards,

  42. Brittany on June 1, 2016 at 6:44 pm

    Hi Gina,
    I work for a revolutionary health technology company and am a big fan of your blog and everything you represent. I think we could better the lives of a lot of people together and look forward to the possibility of working with you!

  43. Emily Bingham on September 19, 2016 at 11:01 am

    Hi Gina! My name is Emily Bingham and I’m reaching out on behalf of ASICS from their digital marketing agency Red Door Interactive. ASICS as a fun fitness challenge that we think you are perfect for. I would love to share the details of this project with you. Please shoot me an email and we can go from there! Thanks! Emily

  44. Jaron Nalewak on September 21, 2016 at 8:31 am


    We love your blog and we were hoping we could get together for a paid blog post about our product and brand. I think you, and your audience, would really enjoy our colorful BPA-free Glass Water Bottles and so we would like to begin discussions with you on how to make this happen. We are looking for a blog post and so we kindly ask that you send us your media kit for such a collaboration.

    Talk soon,


  45. Henry Kingston on October 17, 2016 at 4:00 am

    Hi Gina,

    I wanted to find out about submitting a product for review?

    We are partners with a British company called JTX Fitness who make home gym equipment, and would love to have one of our products reviewed by you!


    Henry Kingston

  46. Evan Shelton on November 15, 2016 at 9:50 am

    Hi Gina,
    I looked through your blog a bit today and am wondering if you could help us out. We are opening a new Pilates studio in the city and are trying to get the word out. This is a new form of pilates that hasn’t been utilized by anyone as of yet. If you could get back to me I would love to tell you a little more about the studio and potentially get you in for a class if you are interested. I hope to hear from you soon. Thanks.

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