Poolside naan

Heyyyyy 😀 Hope you’re having a wonderful Saturday so far!!! You didn’t think I could go more than a week without Indian food, right??? Well, last night I got my fix 😀 We got it to-go (toga with an “o”) and ate it out by the pool. Baigan Bhartha (spicy!) Whole wheat naan: I live…

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Betty Crocker it up

Hey! Happy humpday!! Hope you’re all doing well 😀 I’ve been much less of a klutz today, which has been bueno, and didn’t have appointments at the gym, so I split up my day between making foodie for tonight and lounging poolside. Lovely balance of work and play 😉 I had a green juice of…

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Green chile egg casserole

Hey everyone!!! Hope you had a great weekend and/or Easter/Passover 😉 Viesa rocked the bunny ears: I had such a nice day relaxing with the pilot. We’ve been gone so much over the weekends that we haven’t had a lot of chill time around the casa, so it was pretty amazing to just hang out…

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Vita Mix, how did I live without you for so long???

Hey hey hey!!! How are ya? Can you believe tomorrow’s Friday?!? I can’t either.. but I will happily embrace the weekend 😀 Someone is still a little tuckered out from our trip: (I thought it was so cute that she matches the crocheted blanket) I started out the day with a homemade continental b-fast 2…

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The Original Breakfast Cookie

The original protein breakfast cookie. This is a delicious and healthy make-ahead breakfast recipe that tastes just like dessert! The oats absorb the milk and soften overnight, so the next morning, you can grab a spoon and enjoy. Add your favorite protein powder and customize with mix-ins of choice! Here is the breakfast cookie how-to…

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